Monday 9 April 2012

Dinnerladies - Complete Series

Signed DVD Cover

Andrew Dunn and Sue Devaney (08/03/2011)

Oh Hull New Theatre, where would I be without you? okay they aren't A-List celebrities but they are often actors from many projects I enjoy and best of all they are often very short waits. In my first in person autograph successes of 2011 I got two actors reprising their roles from the TV series Dinnerladies. I got there literally as the audience was leaving, and headed straight for the stage door because the performers can literally leave straight away and within 5 minutes both Andrew Dunn and Sue Devaney left together, which was a first for me, so it was always a fear I would miss one, but they both stopped together and both happily signed the DVD cover (plus a Corrie book) and actually despite the cold had a quick chat with me. I love how the autographs came out on the DVD cover and both deserve to go into the In Person Hall of Fame

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